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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was founded on April 6, 1980, in New Delhi. It is a major political party in India, known for its association with Hindu nationalist ideologies, and is the political wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). The BJP has become one of the two dominant political forces in India, alongside the Indian National Congress (INC).
Statements: All stairs are marbles.
All marbles are tiles.
Some tiles are irons.
Conclusions: I. Some tiles are stairs.
All microscopes are telescopes
No telescope is a screw
All screws are rockets
Each A is Z.
Only a few Z are B.
Some B are Y.
I. All Z are A.
II. All A are not ...
Statements:All Januarys are Februarys.
No February is March.
All marches are Aprils.
I. Some March are not Febr...
Statements: All glasses are plates.
Some plates are bowls.
Conclusions:I. Some bowls are glasses.
II. No bowl is a glass.
Some Venice are Godot.
Some Milan are Godot.
Some Italy are Milan.
I. Some Venice are defini...
Only a few Apple is Banana.
No Banana is Grapes.
Only a few Grapes is Mango.
All Mango is Papaya.
Read the given statements and conclusion carefully. Assuming the information given in the statement is true, even if it appears to be at variance with ...
In the following questions below are given some statements followed by some conclusions based on those statements. Taking the given statements to be tr...
All actors are directors.
Some directors are dancers.
All dancers are wri...