The India Meteorological Department (IMD), which is the principal agency for meteorological services in India, operates under the Ministry of Earth Sciences. It was established in 1875 and is responsible for weather forecasting, monitoring, and providing related services.
Scientific name of desert locust is _______:
According to estimation, how much cultivated area in India will remain rainfed even after reaching the full irrigation potential?
Removal of small buds to obtain the bigger flowers is called as
Dapog method of raising seedlings is related to
Growing different crops in association with each other on the same field at the same time is called ________cropping.
According to Mass Flow Hypothesis the sugar is moved in the form of ____into the companion cells and then into the living phloem sieve tube cells by...
DALPMG is an abbreviation of:
Irradiation is also known as...................?
Saline soils occur mostly in
The groundwater table is measured by: