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Aurelia, a jellyfish, belongs to the phylum Cnidaria, not Porifera. Organisms in Porifera, such as Sycon, Euspongia, and Spongilla, are sponges characterized by their porous body structure and water canal system.
In a certain code language, 'HOUSE' is written as '81261922' and 'INK' is written as '181411'. How will 'MISTAKE' be written in that language?
In the given code language, what does the code ‘#E7’?
Rearranging the letters “AKBLU’, we get the capital of _________
In a certain code language ‘BEAMING’ is written as ‘BFCMHOJ’ and ‘CLEAR’ is written as ‘MDESM’. How is &...
If ‘L’ is coded as ‘16’, ‘N’ is coded as ‘28’, then what will be the code for ‘SPRING’ in the same code language?
...If ‘Red’ is called as ‘Yellow’, ‘Yellow’ is called as ‘Green’, ‘Green’ is called as ‘Orange’, ‘Orange’ is called as ‘Black...
If in a certain code language “STRONGER” is coded as ‘20’, ‘POSITIONAL’ is coded as ‘49’, then, ____ is coded as ‘45’ in the same co...
In a certain code language, "NAILS" is written as "QDLOV" and "RIGHT" is written as "ULJKW". How will "DINNER" be written in that language?
In a certain code language, HAMMER is coded as 5 and MINOR is coded as 135. What is the code of word ‘DANCING’ in the same coding language?