The 'Varada Mudra' symbolizes charity, compassion, and granting of wishes. It reflects generosity and moral virtues.
Scientist Who discovered Transduction in bacteria
Sweet potatoes can be cured at around 30°C and 90-95% RH for:
CAS stands for
Under Agri Clinics Agri Business Centres (ACABCs) Credit linked Composite subsidy ______ for project funded through bank loan would be eligible...
FATE stands for
The transport of male gametes in bryophytes and pteridophytes occurs through
Which class of vertebrate animals is often viviparous, meaning they give birth to live offspring?
As per Indian Minimum Seed Certification Standard (IMSCS), minimum physical purity required for certified seed class of Bhendi (or) okra? is
Which type of animal tissue supports and protects organs?
Choose the correct option
Statement I: Ozone layer present in troposphere absorbs UV radiations from the sun
Statement II: Troposphere is ...