The Florida Current is a warm ocean current flowing from the Straits of Florida along the southeastern coast of the United States. Cold currents, in contrast, originate from polar regions and flow toward the equator.
Given below are two statements
Statement I: Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil solution as nitrate (NO - 3 ) and as ammonium (...
Where was the Mitti Bachao (Save the soil) Movement started in India?
Which of the following is the manufacturer of Mitsubishi Shakti tillers
The biological control agent used for management of rice leaf folder is
Rock phosphate used in which soil?
Select the option that can substitute the underlined part of the sentence. If no substitution is needed, select 'No improvement required'.
This i...
Name the process of formation of seeds without the act of fertilization is known as?
Which of the following is NOT among the main objectives of secondary tillage operations?
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
Fruit Products Order (FPO) was established in