The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has introduced 'Rajmarg Saathi', a Route Patrolling Vehicle (RPV) initiative. These vehicles are part of the incident management system aimed at improving highway safety. RPVs conduct inspections, respond to emergencies, and come equipped with AI-enabled dashboard cameras for road monitoring.
Which organ is known as the "Biochemical Laboratory" of the human body?
The shared terminal duct for the reproductive and urinary systems in males is:
Measles is caused by ______.
What is the plant cell wall mainly composed of?
Which of the following are examples of infectious diseases?
Which muscle is recognized as the longest in the human body?
The human eye is most sensitive to yellow-green light having wavelength -
What is the ph of blood?
What is the structural and functional unit of the kidneys?
An auxiliary bud develops into which part of the plant?