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The Sabarimala Case (2018) ruled that banning women’s entry into temples violates gender equality (Article 14) and freedom of religion (Article 25).
In a certain way, COO is related to W and PO is related to X, then MD is related to___?
Who among the following person visited on 9 May?
Who among the following likes Banana fruit?
Each of six teachers M, N, P, Q, S and I have their classes on six different days of a week starting from Monday and ending on Saturday of the same week...
Who among the following person lives three floors above Q?
Which of the following students did not opt for Physics?
Which of the following is true regarding Aman?
Which among the following statements is true?
Who likes Pink Colour?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to tha...