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What is the term of office of any director not being an official of Government or not being a whole-time director or official of the Reserve Bank as ...
How many members are present in Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority?
The Fund constituted under the IRDA Act, 1999 shall be only used for meeting_____________
Which one of the following is NOT available as a remedy against an ex parte decree?
A recognised stock exchange and recognised clearing corporation shall maintain and preserve all the books, registers, other documents and records relati...
When the consent to the contract is caused by coercion, the contract is:
As per the provisions of the deemed prospectus as contained in the Companies Act which of the following is the conditions that evidence that an allotmen...
The court may frame the issues from the materials:
Landlord may recover possession of premises if the tenant has created on the premises any permanent structure without consent of landlord, the permanent...
A contract is discharged by novation which means the__________________