G-77 summit is a forum of :
TThe Group of 77 (G-77) was established on 15 June 1964 by seventy-seven developing countries signatories of the “Joint Declaration of the Seventy-Seven Developing Countries” issued at the end of the first session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva. There were 77 founding members of the organization, but by November 2013 the organization had since expanded to 134 member countries to articulate and promote their collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity on all major international economic issues within the United Nations system, and promote South-South cooperation for development.
Which one of the following is an animal-origin insecticide?
The division of nucleus is known as:
Which of the following is a Rabi crop?
Which of following fungi is not used as a bio-control agent of plant diseases?
The World Trade Organization helps in facilitating this trade by providing a framework for negotiating the various trade agreements. Its headquarter is ...
Which one of the following is PMFBY Exclusion?
Supply chain lead time is the sum of time taken for ..........................?
When to irrigate wheat after sowing if only one irrigation water is available:
Pusa Himani is a variety of:
Which of the following countries is the centre of origin of rice?