India participated and hosted the 1951 Asian Games held in the capital city of New Delhi from March4, 1951 to March 11, 1951. India was ranked 2nd with 15 gold medals in this edition of Asian games.
Any substance that is a food or a part of a food and provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease is known as
Carbon dioxide is used in food packages due to.
Most important constituent in fruit for preparing jelly is
The immunoglobulins that can bind with mast cells and release histamine…
Eugenol is an anti-microbial agent present in which of the following
Which of the following factors affects microbial growth
a) pH
b) Oxygen availability
c) Storage temperatur...
Which of the following factors affect ripening of fruits.
“Foods or dietary components that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition is called.
The time required to double the population of microorganisms is
Match the Substances (group-1) with Adulterant (group-2)
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