Chennai airport has recently climbed one rank up to become the fifth busiest airport in the country after Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. Till February 2014, Chennai airport held onto being the third busiest in the country and post March, Bengaluru airport overtook and continues to retain that position. Looking at the international passenger traffic data for July, Chennai airport stood third behind Delhi and Mumbai; it overtook Bengaluru and Hyderabad, recording 4.29 lakh passengers. About Tamil Nadu Capital: Chennai Chief minister: M. K. Stalin Governor: R. N. Ravi
Which of the following entities qualifies as an "insurer" according to the Insurance Act?
Powers of SEBI can be classified as?
“No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself” is a ?
Section 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 1908 deals with________.
In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court has held that filing of Complaint for Dishonor of Cheque through power of attorney is permissible?
If a person makes non-natural use of his land by collecting there something which is likely to do mischief by escape, he will be liable if the thing so...
If in case a sample container received by the Food Analyst is found to be in broken condition or unfit for analysis, he shall inform the Designated Off...
What is the composition and role of the Central Council as per the Consumer Protection Act?
When a person through agreement, misrepresentation or negligence makes the other person believe in certain things upon which the other person had taken ...
How many sections are embodied under the Act?