Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha has been awarded PETA India's 2022 Person of the Year title. Sonakshi's actions helped save the lives of many animals killed for fashion, but her strong advocacy for dog and cat rights earned her the title.
(i) How much __________ did you pay for the new loan?
(ii) They said nothing of great __________.
(iii) Primary colors can add __________ to a room.
She wanted to _______ and finish early, but it didn’t turn out as expected.
The professor's lecture was so _______ that even students who were usually uninterested found themselves engaged.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb that agrees with the Subject.
Each one of the workers ____________ a raise in salary from...
Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of modals from the alternatives given below each sentence.
I _____ learn English, and none shall st...
I. _____________ holes through the tiles for the masonry pins.
II. The new recruits will have a ___________ next morning.
III. sprinkle...
Recent history casts a remarkably sobering light on how much politicians can count on __________ arguments to hold sway over popular sentiment.
The climate of Pune is better…….…………….
There were several moments of pride __________ with the Assembly.
As an object falls, it increases in speed which causes the air resistance force to also increase. At some time, the air resistance will be almost as la...