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In 2022 the Youth National Championship held in Chennai, Aman of MP Academy won Gold Medal for MP. With this, he secured his place in the World Championship. On the basis of this performance, he had been selected in the Indian team for the championship to be held in Spain. The World Championship was held in November.
Which of the following is not published by Labour Bureau in the Ministry of Labour and Employment?
As per RBI guidelines, ‘Bulk Deposit’ in the case of RRBs mean a Single Term Deposit of _______ and above.
Which of the following areas are challenging and need fresh initiatives for development in rural India?
(1) Development of human resources
...Goal 13 (Climate Action) records highest increase in score from ___ in 2020-21 to 67 in 2023-24.
Which of the following is not one of the five PVTGs of Andaman & Nicobar Islands?
Consider the following about Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP).
I. It is a small savings instrument that facilitates people to invest in a long-term saving...
Which of the following is not a part of the Social Security Schemes under Small savings instruments?
Which of the following is the Implementing Agency of UJALA Scheme?
QCI is jointly set up by Government of India and ____________.
Rural roads account for about more than _____ percent of share to total road network in the country ?