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National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) implemented the floating solar power plant in Ramagundam, Telangana.
Yellow colourin egg yolk is due to which of the following
a.   Carotene pigment
b.   Xanthophyll’s pigment
c.  Â...
Which of the following is not a result of uncontrolled freezing
Which one is used as preservative in many processed meat products?
Fuzzy or cottony appearance usually represent growth of
Which of the following is / are the reason/s for the preservation of the food commodity?
a.      Availability of the food in off season ...
Select correct statement for edible fats/ oils:
a. Butyric acid is not a characteristic fatty acid present in milk fat
b. Lower the...
Safe moisture content for storage of cereal grains is
Which of the following is not a symptom of any food allergy?
a.   Itchiness in mouth
b.   Rashes
c.   Running no...
‘Petechiae’ is caused by a deficiency of which one of the following vitamins?
Name the heat desiccated dairy product.