Arishka Laddha, a six-year-old girl from Pune's Kothrud in Maharashtra, has achieved the feat of becoming the youngest Indian girl to climb the Mt. Everest Base camp. The base camp is situated at an elevation of more than 17,500 ft. Arishka accomplished this remarkable feat during a 15-day expedition accompanied by her mother, Dimple Laddha.
Who was hailed as the ‘Tansen of the 20th century’?
Largest-Indian state in terms of area is:
Who won the Bal Sahitya Puruskar 2019 in Hindi language?
Which of the following has been INCORRECTLY listed as a condition for becoming a citizen of India?
Consider the following statements regarding ordinances.
1. Article 123 of the Constitution of India grants the President certain law – making p...
Fundamental Duties were inserted into the Constitution of India by which of the following Amendment
Which of the following is considered as a good indicator of economic growth?
From which of the following launch bases was India's telecommunication satellite named GSAT-30 launched?
One of the following player is not in the list of Arjuna Awards 2015:
About 50% of the ______ Basin lies in Maharashtra.