PM Modi launches the PM Vishwakarma scheme. The scheme, with an initial outlay of Rs 13,000 crore, will provide a global market for traditional crafts and products, and will enable local artisans to become part of the global supply chain. The 18 types of identified artisans and craftsmen include carpenters, boat makers, blacksmiths, hammers and tool kit makers, locksmiths, goldsmiths, potters, sculptors, stone breakers, cobblers, shoosmiths, masons, coir weavers, traditional toy makers, barber garland makers, washermen and tailors. Under the scheme, the beneficiaries will be provided with a credit support of up to Rs 3 lakh at an interest of 5 per cent in two tranches of Rs 1 lakh, which has to be repaid within 18 months and a second tranche of Rs 2 lakh. Artisans and craftsmen will also be paid a stipend of Rs 500 per day for skill upgrade and training for a period of five days and Rs 15,000 for procuring modern tools from GST registered shops. Apart from training and skilling, the Vishwakarmas will also be integrated into the government e-marketplace (GeM), which will allow traditional products to be exhibited there.
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Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
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‘P % Q + R @ S % T’
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