The government has extended the time period for existing stock limits on tur and urad by two months till December 31,2023 this year and revised the stock holding limits for certain entities. The stock limits for wholesalers and big chain retailers at the depot have been reduced from 200 tonne to 50 tonne each. The stock limit for millers has also been reduced from the last 3 months’ production, or 25 per cent of annual capacity, whichever is higher, to the last one-month production, or 10 per cent of annual capacity, whichever is higher. Stock limits applicable to each of the pulse individually will be 50 tonne for wholesalers; 5 tonne for retailers; 5 tonne at each retail outlet, and 50 tonne at the depot for big chain retailers; the last one month of production or 10 per cent of annual installed capacity, whichever is higher, for the millers. However, importers are not allowed to hold imported stock beyond 30 days from the date of customs clearance.
Assel , a bird that was born to fight, is the breed of ?
Highest SNF content is found in which animal milk?
Husk as drug is the economic part of which of the following plants
The difference between the price paid by the consumer and the price received by the farmer is
Hard, thorny structures which protect the buds of woody plants during winter, are termed as:
Buttoning is the problem in which of the following crops
Optimum temperature for sunhemp retting is
Jellies and jams are rarely affected by bacterial action.
Under ___________ system the farmers are forced to sell part of their produce to the Government at the announced prices.
High soil temperature suppresses the weed germination. The heating process is