Godrej Agrovet (GAVL) will invest Rs 300 crore over the next 3-4 years to set up an integrated palm oil complex, including a crude palm oil mill, in Telangana. GAVL is also planning to increase the area of palm oil cultivation in the country to 120,000 hectares by 2027 from the present 65,000 hectares.
The Environment (Protection) Act of India was enacted in the year –
In a food chain, what is the difference between primary consumers and secondary consumers?
Which among the following is the only breeding ground for Indian Skimmer, an endangered fresh water bird species?
What defines a dendritic drainage pattern?
STRIVE is a new World Bank funded project under min of skill development. What does V stands for ?
Cyclones Gulab was a tropical cyclone that caused considerable damage to ______ Asia.
Which of the following gases is/are associated with acid rain?
1. Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides
2. Carbon Monoxide
3. Met...
Which one amongst the following is not a Green House gas?
The study of relationship of animals with their environment is called-
In Feb 2022 , Which of the following has becomes India’s 1st 100% Plastic Waste Neutral FMCG Company?