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The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced a fully accessible route (FAR) for investments by non-residents in sovereign green bonds to be issued during the current financial year. Earlier, sovereign green bonds issued during 2022-23 were included in the FAR list. It has now been decided to also designate all Sovereign Green Bonds issued by the Government in the fiscal year 2023-24 as ‘specified securities’ under the FAR. The government plans to borrow Rs 20,000 crore through green bonds in the current financial year.
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'तीन लोक से मथुरा न्यारी' लोकोक्ति का सही अर्थ है
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उपकार को मानने वाला-
मेरे कार्यालय पहुँचते ही आँधी शुरू हो गई ' - इस वाक्य का मिश...
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अंक' का पर्यायवाची है।
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