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The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Communications and information Technology of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on cooperation in the field of Digitization and Electronic Manufacturing. The Memorandum of Cooperation intends to strengthen collaboration in the field of Digitization, Electronic Manufacturing, e-Governance, smart infrastructure, e-Health and e-Education, promote partnership in research in digital innovation and the use of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Robots, Cloud Computing and Blockchain, etc. This MoC would establish a framework for cooperation in the area of digitization and electronic manufacturing and establish partnerships between India and Saudi Arabia
KRITAGYA -A National level Hackathon, organized by ICAR with NAHEP and Crop Science division is majorly focused on____.
Fingerling is the proper size for stocking in table fish production ponds. What is the ideal size of a fingerling ?
Spongilla is the common example which belongs to……………….Phylum of Animal Kingdom.
Which member of honey bee colony produces royal jelly?
In hilly area which system of fruit planting should be used:
P mineralization occurs at C:P ratio
Where is the headquarters of Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage located?
What will be the most suitable word to be filled in blank “a” ?
Liquorice is also known as -
Which one of these metals is used as a shield against radioactive emissions?