Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, HCL Corporation Chairperson Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Steel Authority Of India Chairperson Soma Mondal and Biocon Executive Chairperson Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw are the four Indians among the 100 named in Forbes' annual list of 'The World's Most Powerful Women of 2023. Sitharaman has made it to the list for the fifth year in a row, ranking at number 32. This is the 64-year-old BJP leader's best ranking so far in 2022, she had ranked at 36, while she was 37 in 2021, 41 in 2020 and 34 in 2019. While Malhotra was ranked 60th, Mondal took the 70th spot and Mazumdar-Shaw the 76th. They had made it to the prestigious list last year also at 53rd, 67th and 72nd spots respectively.
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