Marking the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has inaugurated UP's first intra-district helicopter service from Bateshwar in Agra to Goverdhan in Mathura. Based on the private-public partnership (PPP), the helicopter service is to be run by a private player from Uttrakhand. A helicopter service will cover a distance of 65 km between Agra city and Mathura. CM Yogi Adityanath also unveiled a statue of former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee on his birth anniversary in his native village Bateshwar in Agra district.
The weeds whose seed is difficult to separate from crop seed after contamination is called ______
Which component forms the backbone of a DNA molecule?
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What will be the base period of crop if duty of water is 1200 ha/cumec and depth of water is 50cm?
2, 4-D is selective herbicide for
Which one of the farming system where farmers move seasonally with their herd?
Which among the following is not a true statement?
Control of weeds by weedicides in linseed is__
Which of the following types of pesticide formulation is mainly used in storage structures/seed godowns?
What is the role of carbonic acid in chemical weathering?