Navratna DPSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has signed a contract for a value of Rs 445 Cr with the UP Government for next generation UP Dial 112 project. BEL will be providing comprehensive and state-of-art hardware, Al based software tools and Cyber Security solutions for the Dial 112 project, which is spread across the entire state of Uttar Pradesh. The company has also received additional orders worth Rs 233 Cr. these orders pertain to Commu Display Units, Thermal Imaging cameras, and other miscellaneous spares & services. BEL has cumulatively received orders worth Rs. 26,613 Cr in the current financial year 2023-24.
National Institution for Transforming India(NITI) Aayog was formed ?
Which of the following services is provided to PMJDY account holders at zero cost?
In which year was the 1 st winter edition of the Olympic Games organised?
Which is the largest flower in the world?
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Arma Konda, located in the northern part of the Eastern Ghats, is situated in which river basin?
During the Suwa folk dance in Chhattisgarh, women mimic which bird?
How much funding does the PM SVANidhi scheme provide to street vendors annually?
Which one enacts the establishment of an Inter-State Council to facilitate the seamless conduct of affairs between the Union and states and the resoluti...
Which financial regulator imposed a penalty of Rs 31.8 lakh on BNP Paribas?