The RBI said that NBFC exposure to the central government, state governments which are eligible for zero percent risk weight under capital regulations, exposures where the principal and interest are fully guaranteed by the government of India will be among those that are exempt from concentration limits. Cash margin or security deposit held as collateral on behalf of the borrower against the advances, central government guaranteed claims which attract 0% risk weight for capital computation and state government guaranteed claims which attract 20% risk weight for capital computation can also now be offset with the NBFC ML exposures. Also, guarantees issued under the Credit Guarantee Schemes of Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE), Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust for Low Income Housing (CRGFTLIH) and individual schemes under National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd (NCGTC) will also be allowed to be exempt from NBFC ML exposure.
__________________ is a firm that invests pooled funds from clients, putting the capital to work through different investments routes.
Which among the following countries has the largest insurance market in the world?
Which of the following is/are Correctly matched?