Defense Minister Rajnath Singh recently inaugurated Navy Bhawan, the new headquarters of the Navy, at Delhi Cantonment on March 15, 2024. This marks the establishment of the Navy's first independent headquarters in Delhi .
Present average age of 4 friends: ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ is 30 years. If their ages are in the arithmetic progression in the same order a...
Four years from now, the age of 'A' will be 60% of the age of 'B' at that time. The combined present ages of 'A' and 'B' exceed the current age of 'C' b...
A’s age is 160% of what he was 3 years ago, But 40% of what it will be after 3 years. What is his present age?
The respective ratio of the present ages of A and B is 5:6. The present age of C is 20% more than that of B. The sum of the present ages of A, B and C i...
‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ are five friends and their average age is ____ years. At present the age ‘A’ is half of the age of â€...
The average age of 66(2/3)% of the number of children in a group is 13 years. The average age of all the children in the group is 14.5 years. What is t...
The average of the present ages of A, B, C and D is (y-3) years. 12 years hence, the ratio between the ages of A and C is 9:8 respectively. Th...
A is younger than B by 4 years. If the ratio of A and B ages is 5:7 respectively, then find the age of A.
12 years back, Abhishek and Bheema had their ages in the ratio of 4:5. Currently, the average of Bheema’s and Chintu’s ages i...
The total age of A, B and C four years hence will be 88 years. Find the age of C five years hence, if the present age of A and B is 35 years and 25 year...