India has launched Operation Indravati to evacuate its nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic. In a social media post, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar said that 12 Indians have been evacuated on Thursday.
Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 12 min., and 16 min, respectively. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, after how much time A should be clo...
Pipe P can fill a tank in 12 hours, while pipe Q can fill the same tank in 20 hours. Both pipes are initially opened to fill an empty tank, but after 5 ...
Together, the three intake pipes, "P," "Q," and "R," can fill a water tank in eight hours. While the three pipes are opened simultaneously, pipe "Q" clo...
Tap A and Tap B fill a drum of volume 189 liters in 7 minutes. If their efficiencies are in the ratio x:y respectively and B alone takes to fill the cis...
Pipe ‘A’ and pipe ‘B’ can fill a cistern in 30 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. Pipe ‘C’ alone can empty the cistern in 12 minutes. If a...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a 210-litre tank in 21 hours. If pipe ‘A’ is 25% more efficient than pipe ‘C’ whereas pipe ‘B’ is 50% more efficient t...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 10 hours while pipe ‘B’ can empty it in 12 hours. They were operated on alternate hours starting with pipe ‘A’. ...
Pipe A and B are filling pipes while C is an emptying pipe. A and B can fill a tank in 72 and 90 minutes respectively. When all the three pipes are open...
In what time would a cistern be filled by three pipes whose diameter are 2cm, 2*2/3cm, 4cm running together, when the largest pipe alone fill the cister...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 30 hours whereas leak ‘A’ can empty it in 40 hours. If they both operate along with pipe ‘B’, then the given tan...