The state that recently launched "Shiksha Reform," an online learning platform that equips students with technical skills, is Gujarat. The platform was launched by Gujarat’s Minister of State for Education, Praful Pansheriya, in Surat.
Kabuli chamtkar and Udai are chickpea verities from
As per the First Revised Estimates released on 29th January 2021, according to National Statistical Office Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementa...
FSSAI has its headquarters at____
Farmyard manure is recommended for:
Which of the following is the manufacturer of Mitsubishi Shakti tillers
Which among the following is generally known as twin deficit?
The blue color of the water in the sea is due to:
In bryophytes, when gametophytes produce sporophyte without fusion of gametes it is called as
Earthing-up is needed in sugarcane under which of the following planting systems.
The recommended dose of fertilizers for rainfed maize in Alfisols is _______kg N/P2 O5 K2 O/ha