The Rihand Dam, also known as Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar, is the largest earth-fill dam in India. It is situated on the Rihand River, a tributary of the Son River, in Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh. The dam plays a crucial role in irrigation and hydroelectric power generation in the region.
How many four letter meaningful English word(s) can be formed using the 2nd letter, 5th letter, 7th letter and 8th letter of the word CAPSICUM’? (Note...
If all the digits of the number 785789578393 are arranged in ascending order from the left end, then the position of how many digits remain unchanged af...
When the digits, which are odd in the number ‘ 4864353465 ’ are decreased by 2 and the remaining digits are increased by 1, then what is the sum of ...
If all the letters in the word ‘SHORTFALL’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right such that the vowels are arranged first fo...
. Each even digit in the number 723689 is replaced by the next higher digit and each odd digit is replaced by the previous lower digit and the digits ob...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘MESSAGES’ which has as many letters between them in English alphabetical series (both in forward an...
In the given number ‘546786434’ if ‘2’ is added to each odd number and ‘1’ is subtracted to each even number then how many digits are not re...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word “PLAYLIST” which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English Alphabetical series?...
If the letters of the word “REGRESSION” are arranged in alphabetical order from the left end, then which letter (in the English alphabetical series...
How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 713286549 (both forward and backward directions), each which has many digits between them as in th...