LIC was listed on May 17, 2022. “Sebi, through its letter dated May 14, 2024, has conveyed its decision to grant LIC additional time of three years to achieve 10 per cent public shareholding
Consider the following statements regarding the Great Indian Desert:
1. The prevailing southwest monsoon winds tend to bypass the Thar to the eas...
Consider the following pairs:
How many pairs given ab...
Among the following States, which one has the most suitable climatic conditions for the cultivation of a large variety of orchids with minimum cost of p...
Amindivi and Minicoy are parts of which Indian Union Territory?
Shlok Mukherjee has won the Doodle 2022 for his inspiring work ‘India on the Centre State’ for Google, he belongs to which city?
The white salt which covers the land in some areas during dry season is
The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through which of these countries neighboring India?
These forests provide commercially viable wood like Teak. Th ey are marked by high degree of gregariousness. Amla and sandalwood are also found in these...
Which of the following is incorrect with reference to Peaty soil?
Which of the following is the oldest mountain range in India?