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Wong, who was the deputy prime minister, will be leading the fourth generation PAP politicians' government as the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister. Economist Lawrence Wong was on Wednesday sworn in as Singapore's fourth prime minister in a planned political transition for the island state.
Which of its husked dal is used to mix with rice flour for preparation of idli and dosa:
How many Ramsar sites does India have after the addition of the three new sites?
According to BAHS 2024 which of the following state is leading wool production in India?
Which of the following plant hormone, plays a primary role in allowing K+ to pass rapidly out of guard cells, causing the stomata to close in response t...
Which of the following states was the largest producer of cotton in 2023-24?
Name the scheme, under which agro forestry is being promoted for additional income.
Plant growth regulator used for fruit thinning
Which theory is generally included under micro economics?
I. Price Theory
II. Income Theory
III. Employment Theory
Evaporative cooling system works on main principle of
Addition of excess quantity of available phosphatic fertilizer to soil may affect