Police launched Operation 'Maryada' for the smooth conduct of Kedarnath Dham Yatra 2024 in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand. Under Operation Maryada, the police request pilgrims and tourists who consume drugs to maintain decorum in this area.
Which entity recently launched the second international banking centre in Chennai to cater to the financial needs of global Indians?
Which Indian institution launched Asia’s largest shallow wave basin research facility?
Who was honored with honorary membership by the Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC)?
According to the data provided by the government, India's economy grew at ______ year-on-year (YoY) in the January to March quarter (Q4) of the financia...
What percentage of particulate matter emissions is contributed by heavy commercial trucks in India, despite comprising only 3% of the vehicle fleet?
Which Bank has been named “Banker’s Bank of the Year 2022” for the Indian segment of the Global Banking Summit?
Which city leads the funding in the Indian fintech sector according to the report?
What humanitarian aid did India dispatch to Jamaica in December 2024?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently instructed which company to cease the issuance and operation of its Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) or w...
How many women-led MSMEs are expected to benefit from the enhanced 90% credit guarantee coverage under the CGTMSE scheme?