This year, Buddha Jayanti falls on Thursday, May 23. This year marks the 2586th birth anniversary of Gautam Buddha. Witness the final chapter of the Lok Sabha Elections unfold on HT with live vote count and results.
In which schedule of constitution lists are described?
Part XV of the Indian Constitution primarily addresses which of the following areas?
Consider the following statements about the Law Commission of India:
(I) The Law Commission of India is a constitutional body.
(II) The Fi...
Anthurium plant often mentioned in the news is a
Which of the following statements regarding constitutional amendment is/are correct?
1. The procedure for amendment to the Constitution is provid...
Which Article of the Indian Constitution specifies the duties and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India?
Article 137 in the Indian consitution pertains to _________________
Who is the Ex-officio Chairman of India's Rajya Sabha?
Which statement about Ordinary bills in the Indian Parliament is INCORRECT?
Second Schedule of the Constitution deals with the emoluments and privileges of:
1. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in the states
2. P...