Sitharaman also announced an allocation of Rs 48,000 crore for the completion of 80 lakh houses for the identified eligible beneficiaries of PM Awas Yojana, both Rural and Urban, in 2022-23.
Which Indian state hosts the Mera Hou Chongba festival?
Which Indian state was created from Bihar in 2000?
Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) was established in 1954 and is a research and training organization under which Ministry?
बाँसवाड़ा व डूंगरपुर के मध्य के भू -भाग को किस नाम से जाना ज...
निम्न में से कौन - सी भू - राजस्व व्यवस्था राजा टोडरमल से सं...
The International Youth Day is observed every year on which date and what was the theme for the year 2019?
The Constituent Assembly, following the partition of India in 1947, consisted of how many members as on 31st December 1947?
In 2021, which of the following airports of India has seen a growth of 17.68% in air cargo?
CESL has achieved a remarkable milestone of distributing _____ lakhs LED bulbs under Project Crore of their Gram Ujala program, till March 31, 2022.
In regards to Mountains in Uttarakhand, which of the following is not correctly matched?