The successful test launch of the Agni-4 Ballistic Missile was conducted in Odisha at the Integrated Test Range in Chandipur. This missile enhances India's strategic capabilities with its ability to carry a 1,000 kg payload over a range of up to 4,000 kilometers.
In a cognizable offence under IPC, the police will have all the powers to
According to the Aircraft Act in the interest of the safety of aircraft operations, if the Central Government decides to regulate the height of buildin...
Whose opinion as to electronic signature is a relevant fact:
India was a party to Tokyo, Hague and Montreal Conventions:
According to the Transfer of Property Act, when can a Court issue a precept to another Court for the attachment of the judgment-debtor's property?
First Information Report is not a substantive evidence, it can be used during trial for the following
In case of a continuing tort-
An application for succession certificate shall be made to?
The endorsement made on the document admitted in evidence shall be signed or initialed by
What is the responsibility of a person who finds goods belonging to another, and takes them into his custody, as per the Indian Contract Act?