The AgriSURE initiative, launched with a substantial budget of Rs.750 crore, aims to catalyze innovation and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. This fund is expected to drive the growth of start-ups and enhance rural enterprise development, thereby supporting the broader agenda of agricultural advancement and rural prosperity.
Water analysis of a bore well reports as under
CO32- : 1.2 mel-1
HCO32- : 4.0 mel-1
Carolus Linnaeus proposed two kingdom classification. He classified organisms into kingdom Plantae and kingdom Animalia. King animalia includes which of...
Match the toxic compound with respect to their plant source
A. BOAA I. ...
Medium range weather forecast is valid for:
The Central Warehousing Corporation was established by the Government of India in 1957. Who is the current Chairman of the organization?
Water which is held by forces of surface tension as continuous film around soil particles and is available to plants is known as
Sterilization using irradiation is done by …….
How much area in percentage is covered under storage in rural go down?
The line on weather map which joins the places having equal wind speed is known as:
Which of the following is used for primary tillage