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The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) was recognized with the 2024 UNIATF Award for its significant efforts in preventing and controlling Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and mental health issues. ICMR has notably established national centers for Assistive Health Technology and conducted the largest assistive technology survey globally, aiding in policy formulation and resource distribution for those needing assistive devices.
Which of the following does not act as antitranspirants in the plants?
A class of Echinoderms that has Pinnules is:
Horizontal integration of firms may be actuated by the following motif
The recommended dose of sulphosulfuron for wheat is:
Which plough helps cutting of creeping or spreading grass and inversion?
The breed of cattle known for its hardiness, heat resistance, and high milk yields, originating from the Pakistan is
The gynophores of groundnut is commonly referred to as
Agriculture scheme providing information to farming community through toll – free phone lines is
Montmorillonite has higher cation exchange capacity (CEC) in comparison to
Jute prefer to grow in