The official currency of Japan is the Japanese Yen, symbolized as ¥
Who sits to the immediate right of J?
If D is related to A and B is related to C in a certain way. Then, who among the following is related to F?
Five friends are sitting on a bench. Anil, Chandan, Raj, Guru, and Prem are sitting in a row facing north. Anil is sitting at the left end while Prem is...
Who among the following is an immediate neighbour of J?
Which of the following statement is true?
Which of the following is true regarding F?
How is R related to Q?
What is the position of D with respect to B?
If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical order from I in a clockwise direction, then how many persons remain unchanged in their position(Excludi...
How many persons are seated in a table (Including unknown persons)?