'Laapataa Ladies', produced by Aamir Khan, has been selected as India's official entry for the 2025 Oscars in the Best Foreign Film category. This selection highlights the film's unique narrative and Aamir Khan's continued influence in producing noteworthy cinema that resonates on an international level.
If in a certain code, INTEREST is written as TSERETNI, then in the same code, REMEMBER would be written as:
In a certain code language, 'MANGO' is written as 'QERKS' and 'APPLE' is written as 'ETTPI'. How will 'GUAVA' be written in that language?
Unicode provides:
In a certain code language, BABE is coded as YZYV then what is the code for ACID?
If in a certain code, ‘BRIDGE’ is written as ‘ACQSHJCEFHDF’, what is the code of POWER?
In a certain code language, 'INBOX’ is written as 'MRYCL' and 'EMAIL' is written as 'NVZOR'. How will 'DRAFT' be written in that language?
In a code language, 'BLEND' is written as 'ENHPG' . How will 'WINNER' be written in the same language?
If 'ORCHID' is known as 'DAISY', 'DAISY' is known as 'LOTUS', 'LOTUS' is known as 'JASMINE' and 'JASMINE' is known as 'TULIP', then what is the national...
In a certain code language, ‘CROWD’ is coded as 23415924 and ‘TRHICK’ is coded as 162491997. How will ‘FRUGAL’ be co...
In a certain code language, 'REASON' is coded as '5410129' and 'HEALTHY' is coded as '716231216'.How will 'DIVULGE' be coded in that language?