Indian Grand Master Nihal Sarin clinched the President Cup after drawing against Nodirbek Abdusattorov with black pieces on Friday in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Which scheduling algorithm prioritizes processes based on user-defined priorities?
Which among the following ports is also called as mouse port?
The memory unit that communicates directly with the CPU is called ________ memory.
Which ports connect special types of music instruments to sound cards?
A red wavy line in MS word indicates
Extension name of flash file is .
Which of the following shortcut key save the open document in MS Word like ‘Ctrl + S’?
Which memory management technique in an operating system loads programs into memory as needed?
________ records everything you type on your PC in order to obtain your log-in name, passwords and other sensitive information.
............. Is the functional key to display save-as box.