The Kosi River, often called the “Sorrow of Bihar,” causes devastating floods annually in the region. It originates in the Himalayas and flows through Nepal into Bihar. This river changes its course frequently, causing damage to property and agricultural land. The floods are primarily due to sediment deposition and the lack of a stable course.
Which element is most abundant by mass in the earth's crust?
What is the dominant component of Earth's atmosphere?
Which vitamin is essential for blood coagulation?
Which gland in the human body is also known as the "third eye"?
On which of the following date, the minimum distance between the Earth and the Sun occurs?
Which set only includes biodegradable items?
Ebola disease is caused by which of the following?
A satellite is used for
Which is used as red pigment in making batteries, lead glass and rust proof primer paints?
Who Has Planned to Launch "TruthGPT" AI platform?