Mars is known as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance, which is caused by the presence of iron oxide (rust) on its surface. Mars is also famous for its thin atmosphere, polar ice caps, and the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons.
The etiology of FMD in animals is -
In the bodies of complex animals, the most widely distributed and abundant tissue is
Name the breed which is black & white in colour with wide variations from nearly all white to all black, black & white patches throughout body and also ...
The etiology of H.S. disease in animal is -
Rectal pouch is found in insect of order
Which hormone is primarily responsible for inducing broodiness in hens during natural incubation?
Out of these, which is not a buffalo breed ?
Which color sticky traps are used for aphids and white fly?
A chicken of 8-10 weeks of age, 1.5 to 2kg weight which is fed so as to utilize it for soft, tender meat is known as___
Chickens have one of the most efficient digestive systems in the animal kingdom, which one is known as true stomach?