The Earth revolves around the Sun in an anti-clockwise direction as viewed from the North Pole.
The average monsoonal rainfall of India is
Which act in India governs Plant Quarantine measures to prevent the introduction of pests harmful to crops?
Best method to handle nematode Infestation into new area is?
Bray-1 test is used for
The growing of grasses in rotation with grain crops as a soil conservation measure is called: _______.
What technology involves the injection of contaminant-free air into the subsurface saturated zone, enabling a phase transfer of hydrocarbons from a diss...
Which disease is commonly found in Jowar field?
A 1.5 ha wheat crop filed was supplied with 6 cm depth of irrigation, compute how many liters of water has gone into the filed.
What is depicted by the concave shape of the production possibilities curve?
Which compound in the citric acid cycle is known as the "gateway" molecule, linking glycolysis and the citric acid cycle?