"Operation Zindagi" was initiated to rescue laborers trapped in a tunnel under construction in Silkyara, Uttarakhand. It highlighted the efficiency and coordination of local authorities and disaster response teams in saving lives under challenging conditions.
The Padma Shri awardee Guru K Kalyanasundaram Pillai, the man who is keeping an ancient tradition alive,was awarded the Padma Shri 2023 for his contribu...
According to the revised forecast by the World Bank, what is the new GDP growth projection for India in the fiscal year 2024?
Which of the following is the strongest base?
In 2019 which tea company launched the most expensive tea yet priced in India?
Consider the following information:
Which one of the f...
Which of the following commissions was appointed by the Janata Dal government to investigate the circumstances of the 1975 Emergency?
A country is said to be in a dept trap if _________.
Kanchan Devi was appointed as director general of Dehradun-based Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) in December 2023.
__________ is a lively dance form of the Bundelkhand region. Its performance begins with the beating of mridang and gradually gains momentum dotted with...
In which council of UN, the chairmanship is given for 1 month?