India holds the record for the world’s longest railway platform at Hubballi Junction in Karnataka. It spans over 1,500 meters.
Who was Iswaran?
What made Hillside Park repulsive?
Why were all the judges who revolted, were upset with the CJI?
As per this article, which one of the following is the prime reason to save the ecological diversity of Western Ghats?
(A) It is important to sav...
What can be inferred by the data shown by the National Health Profile 2017?
Choose the correct option regarding Genetic Tests.
Statement : The Government will pay heed to the recommendation given by MadhavGadgil headed Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel regarding the conservat...
According to the passage, which word is the meaning of Precision?
Why is there a need of strong regulation in the Indian health insurance and hospital sectors?
Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the word ‘prerogative’ as used in the passage .