The Census of India 2011 recorded the national male workforce participation rate at 53.26%. This reflects the percentage of men involved in economic activities, including agriculture, industries, and services. Workforce participation is an essential indicator of economic activity and employment levels in a country. Key Points: 1. The total workforce participation rate (both genders) was 39.8%. 2. Male workforce participation was significantly higher than female participation (25.51%). 3. Workforce participation was higher in rural areas due to agricultural activities. 4. Urban male workforce participation was lower, indicating greater dependency on skilled jobs. 5. Workforce participation rates directly correlate with education and economic development. Bee Facts: • 54.2% (a): Incorrect; higher than the actual figure. • 53.26% (b): Correct and represents the recorded figure for males. • 51.8% (c): Incorrect; close but not accurate. • 50.9% (d): Incorrect; lower than the actual participation rate.
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