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Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was not a member of the Brahmo Samaj. He was a prominent social reformer known for his advocacy of widow remarriage and women's education. The Brahmo Samaj was founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in 1828, and its members included reformers like Debendranath Tagore and Keshab Chandra Sen. Vidyasagar's contributions were independent of the Brahmo Samaj. Key Points: 1. The Aligarh Movement was an educational reform movement started by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. 2. Arya Samaj, founded by Dayanand Saraswati, emphasized the Vedic way of life. 3. Mahadev Govind Ranade played a crucial role in the formation of the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha to discuss public grievances. 4. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar's notable reform was the Widow Remarriage Act of 1856. 5. The Brahmo Samaj aimed at eradicating social evils like casteism and idol worship. Bee Facts: • Sir Syed Ahmad Khan: Key figure in modern Muslim education in India. • Dayanand Saraswati: Advocated "Back to the Vedas" and criticized idol worship. • Mahadev Govind Ranade: Known as the "Father of Indian Social Reform." • Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar: Promoted widow remarriage and opposed child marriage.
Calculate the value of 'R' if 30% of 'R' equals 40% of Rs. 4,500.
In a zoo, 25% of the people are males. 40% of the remaining are females and the remaining 720 are children’s. Find the total number of people in a...
Suyash have total amount of Rs.3000 out of which, he spent 25% on food, 40% of the rest on travelling. Out of remaining amount he spends Rs.620 on misce...
If 40% of 70 is x% more than 30% of 80, then find 'x'.
Sara has 150 kg of oranges (rotten and fresh). She sold 50% of the total oranges such that out of the remaining oranges, 30% are rotten. Find the percen...
A and B together have total of Rs.5000 out of which they donated 10% to the orphanage school. The remaining amount is to be then redistributed between t...
Monthly savings of X is 55% of his monthly income which is Rs. 6800. If ratio of monthly expenditure of Y and X is 15:8 respectively and monthly savings...
In a city, the number of persons travelling by bike is 70% the number of persons travelling by metro. The number of persons travelling on foot is 80% th...
If a book was sold at 20% profit and the cost price & selling price of the book is increased by Rs. 40 and Rs. 96 respectively. The new profit percentag...
The population of a city is decreased by 15% in the first year and then increased by 20% in the second year. Find the population of the city at the end...