Hong Kong Regains Title as Freest Economy - Ranking: Hong Kong ranked as the world's freest economy, surpassing Singapore, in the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World report. - Scores: - Hong Kong: 8.58 - Singapore: 8.55 - Other top countries: Switzerland (3rd), New Zealand (4th), United States (5th) - Last place: Venezuela with 3.02
When is ‘World Kindness Day’ observed annually?
The Hemis National Park is located in-
Originally there were a group of 16 temples belonging to the Gupta period in Adi Badri Dham, how many temples are there at present?
Surya Kiran is a joint military exercise betwenn India and ___________.
राजस्थान में ताँबे की खाने कहाँ है ?
Where is the Airavatesvara Temple located?
Which film won the Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment at the 70th National Film Awards?
Jagan Kumar plays which of the following sports?
What is the name of the policy launched by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to remove unfit vehicles?
In which Indian state is the Amer Fort located?