Odisha’s First Silicon Carbide Manufacturing Facility - Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi recently led the groundbreaking ceremony for India’s first silicon carbide manufacturing facility. - Developed by RIR Power Electronics Limited, this facility is being set up at EMC Park in Info Valley, Bhubaneswar, with a significant investment of Rs 620 crore.
In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correct word.
In each of the questions below, a sentence is given with four words highlighted in bold in the sentence. Among these bold words, one may be wrongly spe...
Sukhbeer can be saw chasing monkeys with a stick.
India is one of their favourite destinations for this trail .
The Supreme Court questioned how a house could be demolished solely because someone is accused or even convicted.
Find the correct spelling of the word given below.
Choose the word with correct spelling.
But quite like his perfumes, this museum will always remain a timely celebration of his creations , a true jewel in his turban.
...The more money the governments pored into it, the harder it was to walk away.
...More than three- quarters of the land on Earth is permanently drying, primarly due to climate change, according to a report at a United Nations su...