India’s first solar-powered boat will be launched in the Saryu River in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. The Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Agency (UPNEDA) is behind the initiative, which aims to make Ayodhya a model solar city.
Which of the following is a key challenge in sales and distribution management for Agribusinesses?
The main enzyme present in gastric juice is:
Which of the following is a biennial crop?
Which of the following agency has been engaged as Technical partner for the Mission Amrit Sarovar?
Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?
One of the following seed takes longest time to germinate:
Which one is cole-crop:
The department of agriculture, revenue and commerce was set up in .............................?
Which soil is most suitable for groundnut cultivation?
Apical dominance in plans is due to the presence of