Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan honored 100 school students as ‘Super-100’ winners of Veer Gatha 3.0 in New Delhi. The awards, part of the Republic Day celebrations, recognize students for their contributions in various categories.
In tile drainage, when the tiles arranged from one side only it is known as
Which one of the following is not the activity of BIS?
The process which inactivates enzymes and prevent the discoloration of the canned product is known as?
Which of the following is not included in four corner stones of Market Intelligence?
Which one of the following offers least liquidity:
In most minerals soils particle density varies within
The recommended dose of sulphosulfuron for wheat is:
Match List I with List II :
Choose the correct answer...
Water inside the plant moves through:
Anhydrous ammonia contains __________ % N.